Assurance of quality of machined components
Innovations in assurance of quality
1. Automated control of data acquisition plan and data analysis at the point of data entry
2. Adaptive modeling of in-process and offline data providing low risk of quality acceptance errors
3. Multi-parameter quality estimation using distributional statistics and non-distributional one-sided probability functions
4. Metrological diagnostic of quality assurance system
5. Interactive connections with process optimization and predictive tool control
MICRONITE puts data quality at the core of every step of process and cost management
Key Features
• Low-risk automated decisions to accept product quality at the point of production
• Highly reliable certification of production lot in terms of compliance with specification
• Consolidation of Fist Article, in-process, and final inspection
• Special close-tolerance metrology analytics
• Validation and certification of all elements of measurement system
• Generation of sufficient sample size for in-process and offline quality acceptance
• System-guided optimization and reduction of sampling inspection
• Traceability of inspection records and quality data mining
Higher quality at a lower cost
- Achieve sustained reduction of costs of quality and inspection
- Carry out zero-defect quality of close-tolerance machining and grinding with ease and comfort for operators
- Build strong metrology infrastructure and reduce uncertainty in product quality
- Eliminate non-productive time and labor
- Explore inspection data through MICRONITE’s analytic visualizations with the purpose of substantial reduction of inspection time
- Quickly create quality certification reports that are precise, complete, meaningful, and statistically sound.
- Save labor and time by automatic compilation of in-process data
- Use excellent software capabilities to discover and quantify systematic and random measurement errors.
- Achieve high-level confidence in data accuracy and precision.
With MICRONITE, producers and consumers are under equal protection
Certification of product quality is performed by MICRONITE’s Artificial Statistician. All in-process and offline data is filtered by operation, machine, inspection type, shift, date, etc. The TQA (Total Quality Acceptance) report guarantees extremely low risk of acceptance errors equally protecting producers and consumers against wrong decisions. Combination of conventional distributional estimates (CP, Cpk, PP, Ppk, AQL for inspection by variables) and predictive non-distributional quality measures play an important role in achievement of reliability of statistical analysis applied to diverse machining operations.